Friday, April 24, 2015

Day Six: Arrival in MADRID

Hola! Today was the day we arrived in our final city, Madrid. We woke up in Paris very early this morning, around 6 AM, and packed our bags to head to the airport. When we made it to the airport, we were unable to check in our bags, and therefore had plenty of time to spare; so, we bought multiple boxes of macaroons and several cups of Starbucks to keep us awake and ready to go. By the time we boarded the plane, it was around noon, and we slept our way through the two and a half hour direct flight to Madrid. Once we landed, we were refreshed and alive from our recent power naps, and hopped on a bus to the hotel. The scenery of Madrid as we drove to the hotel was beautiful; the pure and green trees were scattered across the countryside, and luscious flowers lined the highway.
Cuando nosotros salimos la hotel, fuimos a la Puerta del Sol. La Puerta era bonita y magnifico. Nosotros aprendemos que el símbolo del Madrid es un oso con un árbol. Entonces, nosotros vimos el punto exacto del medio de España. Después, nosotros fuimos a compras de H&M y Mango, los tiendas del ropa, y los tiendas del recurdos. Después de las tiendas, nosotros fuimos a la restaurante del comida España, se llama Museo del Vino. Comamos arroz con pollo, or chicken and spanish rice. Era delicioso. Para el postre, comamos bon bones con chocolate. Este día fue increíble, y somos emocionados para el futuro.


-Annie Spielberger, Marissa Rizzolo, Kaite Mahoney, And Spencer P-F

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